I woke up this morning unable to really swallow. ( Probably the cause of minimal sleep due to the workload looming overhead. ) So I sat down and counted my cents, went to the clicks around the corner and got myself some advil and corenza. This really took the last couple coins I have on my name. Well that I want to spend that is. A girl needs money for going out you know. well, some money, generally drinks sort themselves out.

Im typing this from college btw. I got capped last night. - And since I'm currently flat broke buying more is simply not an option. Last night I had a (ONE) bagel with butter for dinner. And the fact that I even had that bagel is surprising. But who needs food when you have coffee, smokes hub and good music? Other news: I have turned my Marlboro's into Red Apple cigarettes, Saturday night I will become Mia Wallace. All the way. Down to a t. Minus the O.D. I think. I haven't been partying in Obz in a while.- Apart from drinking copious amounts of wine at the friends place. Looking forward to show Obz what I'm made of. Or what Mia Wallace is made of.

The Shoot went well. Really fun, had a couple of laughs, poll-danced around a street sign / park sign - the location had no wind, which was great. Looking forward to seeing the photo's. The two or three that I did peep at looked good.

I plan on visiting fort knox this weekend, they have steak. well somebody stole the steak.- three guys in one flat, steak in the fridge - I can see how that would happen. But I'll be swinging by. They also have good coffee. and I love sitting on the semi warn out couch in between the million gig posters that cover all the walls while listing to some great music. Then I'll be heading back home to work. That will be my break. And a great break it will be.

parking off. shot by AP. All Rights Reserved Michelle Viljoen ©



one weekend of "no I'm not going to be going out much" turned into - out on every night. but it was great. headaches, pills to stop them, 21st, fashion label launch. free patron - can't complain. - a world where buttons gets you booze is a world that I want to live in.

tomorrow I'll be dropping off more frames, and in the afternoon I have a shoot. No idea what I'l be wearing but I'm amped, should be a good one. then my week will become a worked packed one, no sleep and copious amounts of coffee that will give a lesser human a heart attack.

The above photo is from the underground in barcelona
All Rights Reserved Michelle Viljoen©



All Rights Reserved Michelle Viljoen ©

Something about the photo above. Missing that weekend. Missing you and the rest as I sit here. I want to sit on the grass outside the flat, with a beer and cigarette listening to a scratchy LP or some whiskey drenched Tom Waits with you guys.



What a day. College, followed by a meeting - very rad things to come. amped. work (some photography and illustrations) will be in a store soon. this makes me happy. Got home, went to a friend's flat for dinner, watched some box, went home, then I had a cleaning frenzy and cleaned the kitchen from top to bottom. I do this at times. Tomorrow it's wake up and straight to my other home. Got loads of things to organize.

I just looked through the persians album of barcelona. Fuck me that was one hell of trip. With every click I'm aching to be back there! The mexiCANS ha! (This is a story for another time). Oh right, so the fucker who owns the flat that I want, doesn't answer his phone, nor does he get back to me. - This is not a good sign. no no no.

And since I got a mail from one of you readers asking for more pics, here you go. It's slightly out of focus, but I don't give a shit. I like it. Barcelona near Park Guell

All Rights Reserved PAPERCITYLIFE ©


I am home. and it's great to be back. I love cape town. I will always love this place. Missing barcelona and the Lebanese boy. It's freezing here.

I found this pic amongst the million that I took. I feel like this right now. Shoot to be uploaded in the near future (this could mean tomorrow or in 2 months.- depends how motivated I feel) On the to-do list is - flat finding for next year - potentially moving in with the horn and stone. Design a magazine and decide wether or not to eat tonight - I can't be bothered to cook when I can't even feel my hands.

All Rights Reserved Michelle Viljoen ©



For some reason blogger won't upload this photo in high quality. So to keep myself from smashing the Persian's laptop in frustration, I'm going to leave it. So just click it so see the proper quality yeah?

Much more to come once I'm home

All Rights Reserved. Michelle Viljoen©
